Deciding what you want to be when you are older may seem like a decision that you do not need to make in year 8 and 9. The options you choose may have an impact on the career you wish to follow in later life.
It is a good idea to start thinking about what you might like to do as a job and doing a bit of research on that chosen job. For example, if you want to be a doctor it is important that you follow science based courses, in particular chemistry. Websites such as or DIRECT.GOV
Often a persons job is determined by what they are good at. If you have a good understanding of Maths and numbers careers in the finance industry may be of interest, however if you are not so practically minded and struggle with hands on tasks, a building trade may not suit you.
Think about your strengths and weaknesses and what you enjoy, because one of the most important things about getting a job is being able to do something that you actually enjoy