Key Message for Parents of children with SEND and Young People


Joint Local Area SEND revisit announced for 31 January


Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission have announced on 17th January 2022 that they will be carrying out a re-visit to Dudley on 31 January 2022.

​The purpose of the re-visit is to determine whether the local area has made sufficient progress in addressing the areas of significant weakness detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA) that was approved by the Department for Education in December 2019 following the borough’s joint local area SEND inspection in May 2019.

The inspection team will be on site from Monday 31st January until either Wednesday 2nd or Thursday 3rd February.


During the re-visit, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible, specifically about the weaknesses identified in the WSOA. These meetings will likely take place online.


How can local children, young people, parents and carers contribute their views during this local area re-visit?

There are several ways in which children, young people, parents and carers can engage with the re-visit process and contribute their views.

The inspectors will gather the contributions of parents and carers through an online survey and a range of other methods. (See the letter to parent and Carers issued by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission)
  1. Parents and carers who would like to take part in this survey can follow this internet link: survey will open at 12 noon on Monday 24 January and close at 12 noon on Friday 28 January 2022. Parents and carers can submit their contributions via the online survey using the link provided above.
  2. Parents and carers can contact the Dudley Parent Carer Forum to find out more about how they can contribute their views during the local area re-visit. The main means to do this will be through an open Teams meeting on Tuesday 1st February 2022 11am – 12pm, joining details are listed below:

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+44 20 3443 6311,,917500335# United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 917 500 335#

Further details on the inspection and draft timetable are available in the stakeholder briefing note briefing note 17.1.2022