My name is Chloe
I’m 20 years old.
I’m a mother to a 3 year old girl.
I’m a care leaver.
I’m a care leavers apprentice personal assistant.
My current responsibilities for this job role is working on the children services inbox, I really like doing this because it is really good and challenging for me. I get loads of emails from internal and external professionals and I also get to know a bit about all different part of the service, which I really love.
As well as my care personal assistant role, I also go to the Stourbridge family centre. Working here helps me to develop my customer service skills and develop me further.
My main focus in my role is responding the children’s inbox but that is demanding task but I work through it to ensure all emails are read by the end of the day.
My job involves a lot of organisation as I have been given permission to put loads of diary invites in the calendars for meetings throughout all of this year and next year for each.
My goal for the future is to pass my college course and to get a job at the end of my apprenticeship.
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