16 to 29 and living in the Black Country?
There’s a brighter future for young adults
Are you looking for:
- support in securing a job
- education opportunities
- routes into training, to develop the skills you need to gain a brighter future
Through Black Country Impact you can build your future in a way that is tailored to you, through:
- Traineeships
- Apprenticeships
- Coaching
- Work placements
- Self-employment advice, including social enterprises
- Customised training… and more
Call The Dudley Team Today On 01384 813567
Who are we and how do we help you?
There can be no doubt that these are challenging times for some young adults in the Black Country. The Black Country Impact is determined to tackle the barriers that may be preventing some young adults from becoming all they can.
Through specialised services ranging from coaching to managed work placements, our work will ultimately give our young adults the best employability prospects for the future, benefiting them and our communities.
“Impact helps individuals to develop self confidence and skills.”
“Impact improves young people’s participation in the labour market.”
“Impact further improves quality and innovation in vocational education and training.”
The Black Country Impact benefits from being made-up of five delivery partners who span the whole of the Black Country and have both the size and expertise to make a real difference for young adults. The delivery partners are Dudley Council, Sandwell Council, Walsall Council, City of Wolverhampton Council, and Black Country Talent Match, a project led by Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council and funded through the Big Lottery Fund
Taking those first steps
Impact is in a unique position to have a wide range of influence with local employers across the Black Country.
Impact can help you overcome the barriers to employment. We provide:
- a programme to support employability and skills
- a Key Worker/Mentor trained to support you throughout your journey
- advice and guidance, along with customised support tailored to you. We may even be able to help with travel, childcare and equipment
- brokering between you and the opportunity you decide upon, making it simple for you to start
Successes and how to contact us
Here are just a few of our successes; could you be the next success?
- See how we are changing the lives of young adults
- Read more on how we are supporting 16 to 29 year olds across the Black Country
- How to contact your local Black Country Impact team
Our Managing Authority and funders
The Managing Authority for this project is the Department of Work and Pensions.
Latest news
Black Country Impact Project Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
The Impact Project DPS will help the Impact Partners deliver a European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative funded project to address high levels of youth unemployment in the Black Country through sustainable integration into the labour market of young people, in particular those aged 15-29 years not in employment, education or training (NEET), including young people at risk of social exclusion and from marginalised communities.
Providers will be able to apply to join the Impact Project DPS in respect of nine Service Lots covering a wide range of services (including engagement, skills, training, support, work placements, and end to end provision for example) and some supplies (e.g. bus passes, protective clothing).