CVs are an important part of the recruitment process – in its simplest form, a CV tells an employer about your skills and experience and why you will be a good match for their job vacancy. It is the first step of the recruitment process (after the placing of a job advertisement) and a recruiter will use CVs to sift through who is suitable for the role and who is not.


There are lots of different ways to write CV’s, just as there are lots of different jobs and careers available, so your CV should be reflective of the type of role or position you are applying for.

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View your CV as the key to open the door to the opportunity you want, but in the same way as you need a bunch of keys to open different doors, do not expect one CV to open the door to all opportunities; you may need several.


Do not worry though, Connexions advisors will be able to compile your CV with you to match the role you wish to apply for, as well as showing you how to adjust your CV to match multiple opportunities.


The most common CV lay out will convey the experience and skills to employers in its most simple form – it will include


  • Personal details – Address and contact details
  • Personal Statement – A brief overview of who you are and why you are applying
  • Your skills that match the job requirements
  • Your employment history/work experience
  • Your education history
  • Your hobbies and interests


Again, do not worry if you have no employment history/work experience or are uncertain as to what skills you may possess, Connexions advisors are here to support you unravel these mysteries and showcase your full potential.


Ready to write your CV  

A team of qualified staff are waiting to support you. Get in touch using the link below.

Get in touch here 


Alternatively you can use our CV Builder to get started – Click here .