Pexels Cottonbro 4107275Being more independent means learning to: –

  • care for yourself – like showering and changing clothes;
  • look after yourselves – like shopping, cooking, helping to keep your home clean and tidy;
  • having your own friendships;
  • starting to make more of your own choices with help;
  • being able to use buses or other kinds of transport – this will be a big help for the next steps after leaving school or going to work;
  • spending time away from your family – when this is a good idea or you go on trips.

You will have lots of help to learn these things. Connexions, your school, your family will all help plan at your review to help with these.

Being more independent means, you have more choice over your own life.

Although Connexions PA’s may mention transport in your interviews or reviews they are not responsible for completing the application.